Tuesday, May 20, 2008

the transience of my thoughts

Like a few other things, I tend to get addicted to certain words for a while, not the kinds I speak over and over again just the ones I spend time deciphering, scraping their depths past every layer, its weird and I sometimes wonder if its only me. The most recent one being 'Transient', saying it to myself I marvel at how aptly it describes everything, everyone, a time, a place, life itself and how badly we actually wish it didn't exist. Maybe these thoughts are transient too. And we try so hard, mindful of the actual inevitability of the inevitable. Why don't we ever stop?

P.S:- Maybe I should stop. I am getting a lil too philosophical. I just need a drink :P


notgogol said...

"...mindful of the actual inevitability of the inevitable."
Yes, I agree.. that you need a drink. And a stiff one at that :P

P.S. You, posting/commenting at 3:00 AM. Don't you have a job to go to in the morning? :P :P Work, lady, WORK!! Us jobless people can be so cold na :D

Jugal said...

What were you smoking?

Jugal said...

Oh btw, thanks for the comment on my story *takes a bow*

entwined said...

@ notgogol
very cold!! wait till you see our side of the world and then it shall be my turn (evil smile)

@ jugal
ahh....why why? :P

@ jugal again
bows back in true reverance :P

notgogol said...

I shall wait and see, but am pretty sure my working hours shan't be as long and hectic as that of a journo's :P

P.S. How cold is too cold? :D